Tucson's Premiere Event Rental Venue

The University of Ascension Science & the Physics of Rebellion


Classes in The URANTIA Book & The Cosmic Family volumes

Held at two locations - The Sea Of Glass - Center For The Arts in Tucson, AZ and at the campus of the University of Ascension Science at The Global Temple in Rico Rico, AZ

For more information or to register for classes at any campus, please call (520) 603-9932.

Man and woman looking at a sacred text

The URANTIA Book, the beginning of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, is the language of the Hopi Fifth World and the times of the purification. Authored by celestial personalities, The URANTIA Book teaches about the genesis, history, and destiny of humanity and our relationship with God the Father, and shares an expanded view on the life and teachings of Jesus in a cosmic context, providing a comprehensive background for understanding the physical, mindal and spiritual structure of the universe and our ascension to Paradise.

The Cosmic Family volumes are the Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation providing unprecedented cosmic knowledge, fusing science and spirituality into Ascension Science. The URANTIA Book provides an understanding of the cosmology of the Master Universe and the ascension plan, as well as a history of our planet, Urantia (earth). The Cosmic Family volumes teach point of origin of starseed, Ascension Science, and the Physics of Rebellion.

The Sea Of Glass—Center For The Arts is an Extension School of The University of Ascension Science and The Physics of Rebellion. The main campus is at Avalon EcoVillage in Rio Rico, Arizona. There is also an Extension School in Sedona, Arizona.

The classes at The Sea Of Glass lead to a certificate of completion and credits in the university on campus, if you ever decide to live on campus. On-campus living is the highest way to learn the epochal revelation, as it is an everyday experiential learning in the interaction with people who understand the Physics of Rebellion and the recognition of the soul's patterns and point-of-origin traits.

Although the university is not accredited in the third dimension (or present system), the board of elders feel that if it was, we'd be greatly limited to teach a curriculum that was of the highest spiritual diversification within cosmic reality.

The Sedona classes also lead toward a certificate of completion.

The university will substantiate the level of training received for students applying for various job or volunteer positions as counselors or where their training applies.

Classes Available Upon Request
DESCRIPTION: CALL FOR INFORMATION. The URANTIA Book provides a comprehensive background for understanding the physical, mindal, and spiritual structure of the universe and our ascension to Paradise; a detailed history of our world including the geological and biological evolution; as well as the most spiritually compelling story of Jesus of any sacred text. Certificates of Completion for students who complete course.

The Cosmic Family Volumes
Classes Available Upon Request
DESCRIPTION: CALL FOR INFORMATION. The Cosmic Family volumes, which are the continuation of The URANTIA Book, reveal unprecedented cosmic knowledge, fusing science and spirituality into Ascension Science. The URANTIA Book teaches cosmology, ascension through our local universe to Paradise, and the true teachings of Jesus. The Cosmic Family volumes teach point of origins of starseed, ascension science, and the Physics of Rebellion. Certificates of Completion for students who complete course.